Big blocks of granite covered with great fans of red and yellow gorgonians
Type: Sea wall
Difficulty: possible strong currents
Maximum depth: – 40 mt, considering the great depth the water remains very clear
Diving profile: multi-level
Protected area: A
Destination: "Cavoli" island
This area has many gigantic granite blocks that form small caves which are home to large groupers. When reaching the maximum depth of 36 m, you can find two large blocks of granite which walls are covered with red and yellow sea fans.
Fauna: The fauna includes many sea sponges and bryozoans, corals, starfish and among the most common elements of the fish fauna there are groupers, bream, wrasse, sea bass, damsels, croakers and the ever-present damselfish.
Sessile fauna: the feature of this site is the presence of large blocks of granite covered with sea fans (gorgonians) including Eunicella cavolinii but mostly the beautiful Paramuricea Clavata.